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Ghost Hunting Investigations

Updated on August 30, 2012
Ghost | Source
Ovilus, apparently used to speak to ghosts.
Ovilus, apparently used to speak to ghosts. | Source

Whether or not there are real ghosts or not is a question many have been trying to answer since the beginning of time. What does happen to us after we die? Where does our spirit go. For many religion and a personal belief system helps to answer that question, but for others there is a hunger to know more about the spirit world. These ghost hunters or "paranormal investigators," as some may prefer to be called spend their time searching for these spirits in places believed to be haunted.

Through the use of a wide array of scientific equipment many attempts have been made to identify paranormal activity. Whether the equipment used could detect ghosts if there is indeed ghosts is up for debate. Some of the equipment used can include:

  • Video cameras, including high frame rate cameras, infrared, thermographic and other specialized still and video cameras.
  • Night vision equipment.
  • EMF Meter to detect electromagnetic changes.
  • Temperature detection, thermometers, other types of sensors.
  • Different types of audio recording equipment.
  • Geiger counter to detect radiation changes.
  • Ion meters to detect high levels of ions.
  • Ultrasonic motion detectors for detecting even the slightest movements in a localized area.
  • Atmospheric gas changes set to detect changes in oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
  • Ovilus, this is an experimental electronic device made specifically for communicating with ghosts and the paranormal. It contains and EMF meter and other sensors. It speaks words as it is effected by changes in the area set up for detection.
  • Dowsing rods.
  • Sound equipment to detect vibrations.
  • Compass, again to detect electromagnetic changes.
  • Computer equipment for analysis, laptops, tablets, etc.

As said previously whether any of this equipment could detect ghosts even if they did exist is open to debate.

Paris Catacombs
Paris Catacombs | Source

Places For Ghost Hunting

In general places selected by ghost hunters are often locations where many people have died, were laid to rest, where violent deaths have taken place, etc. Below are some of the more famous locations.

  • Catacombs, Paris, France - Sine the 12th century the caverns beneath the streets of Paris became a mass grave for those unable to pay for a proper burial. The catacombs now contain the skeletal remains of over 6 million people. The walls throughout the caverns are lined with human skulls and bones. Over the years there have been many reports of ghosts and other paranormal experiences throughout the caverns.
  • Auschwitz Concentration Camp - After World War II it was estimated that nearly 3 million people died at Auschwitz in gas chambers, being worked to death, medical experiments and other executions. Many people visiting the site have reported overwhelming feelings of people present where there are none, hearing whispering and seeing flashes of those who died in the camps. Whether there is truth to it or if it is simply a place that weighs heavy on the minds of the visitors is unknown.
  • Bird cage Theatre - Said to be haunted it was a brothel and gambling establishment which saw 24 hour, 365 days a year service. This location has been investigated

Saint Augustine Light
Saint Augustine Light | Source
  • St. Augustine Lighthouse - Said to be haunted by a few ghosts, two daughters of the lighthouse architect that drown, a retired military major who kept the lighthouse and other sightings. The television program Ghost Hunters investigated the stories and believe to have captured video of ghostly figures in the lighthouse.
  • Jordan House - Built in the 1800s it was home to an abolitionist family that served as a point for the underground railroad. Said to be haunted by the owners young daughter who fell off a banister and broke her neck.
  • Villisca Axe Murders Home - This residence belonged to the Moore family all of which were killed by an unknown assailant in 1912 with an axe. Two house guests were also murdered with the axe. The house was investigated by the TV program Ghost Adventures.

The above locations are only a small number of locations claimed to be haunted. If there are ghosts or other paranormal phenomenon is a question that undoubtedly will continue to be asked. But with the increase of popularity of such television series as Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, The Dead Files, these types of investigations are bound to increase.


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