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Greedy City (would you let them take your money?)

Updated on September 7, 2012
Greed | Source

So over two years ago after buying a car I realized that I really needed a garage. The winters here can sometimes be quite harsh and so I thought about building a garage onto my house but as it turns out it would have bee quite costly building, getting the permits. Also of course when you make changes to your building or property the city is just waiting like ravenous dogs to jack your property taxes as high as they can. Considering this I decided to purchase a tent garage.

I erected the metal frame and stretched the tarp over the frame. It wasn't perfect but for two winters it kept the snow and elements off of my car and kept it in great condition. However less than a week ago I received a letter from the city threatening the following:

"Dear Sir"

"It has been observed that you have erected an automotive shelter at the above property. As you may or may not be aware, automotive shelters such as this one are treated as accessory buildings and can only be situated in side and rear yards. Also, these structures must be located at minimum three (3) meters from any other structure and any property line. If you would like to situate the automotive shelter closer to another structure or a property line, a building permit will be required."

"At this time we are asking that the automotive shelter be moved to a proper location, be taken down or that the required permit be obtained. A re-inspection of this property will take place on or about April 23, 2012 to ascertain compliance. Failure to comply will put the City in the position to take legal action."

"If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me."

"Yours truly, blah blah blah...."

Now I'm not one to be bullied. I don't accept their explanation that a tent should be considered a building and that I should have to acquire a building permit which is something you'd normally need if you were actually constructing an actual building with a foundation, solid walls and a roof. Situating the tent garage anywhere else would be impossible as I'm sure the person writing this letter knew. On the street where I live the houses are too close together for me to put it in my yard between my house and the next one over and have fifteen feet on each side. Putting it in the rear of my yard would make it inaccessible for my car.

In the long run I may take the garage down as it is spring and it has endured a lot of wear and tear over the past two years. It has served it's time. But it bothers me that when it gets close to next winter I am barred from erecting a new tent.

This is a tent, not a building, I shouldn't have to pay the city to put up a tent on my own property. They are simply over reaching in a greedy attempt to extort as much money as possible from it's residents and I am not impressed. Nor will I forget this issue. Tell me what you think about this below. Maybe you've experienced this yourself but is it right?

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