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List Of Genetically Engineered Animals

Updated on March 29, 2013
Enviropig | Source


Already created the Enviro-Pig has been genetically engineered with edited DNA from a pig and genetic material from mice. The result is the Enviro-Pig, a pig that is able to break down phosphorus. Normally within a normal pigs biology phosphorus can't be broken down and it comes out in their feces. The feces is used as fertilizer for crops and eventually most of it runs off into streams and rivers. This is where the problems begin as the phosphorus drastically increases algae blooms and destroys habitats for fish. This is why the Enviro-Pig was engineered as very little phosphorus comes out in it's feces.

Although there is a great ethical and moral dilemma surrounding the creation of animals that don't exist I do think that within a controlled environment that the Enviro-Pig is one that people should consider breeding on a larger scale. There are currently talks to allow the Enviro-Pig's meat to be sold in supermarkets. Despite the picture I've included (mostly for a laugh) consider that the enviro-Pig doesn't look much different than a normal pig and it's meat would have all of the same nutrients and nutritional value as shown in extensive testing of the animal.

COWS (with human genes)

More recently in 2011 Chinese scientist have been breeding cows genetically engineered with genes from human beings to produce milk that would be the same as human breast milk. Would I support this? I must admit I am not quite sure as we are now mixing human with animal, I suppose where that line is ends is a little blurry on that one.

GOATS (that produce silk in their milk?)

As unusual as it is this is a reality. A company called Biosteel has genetically engineered goats to produce milk with strong spider web like silk proteins in their milk. These particles are used by the company to make bulletproof vests and anti-ballistic missile systems for military contracts.

Glow in the dark pigs
Glow in the dark pigs | Source

PIGS (that glow in the dark!)

In 2006 in Taiwan scientists used genetic material from a jellyfish and implanted it into pig embyros. The result? Pigs that glow bright green in the dark! During the daylight hours these pigs have a tinge of green on their skin, snout and teeth but as soon as night comes they are light very fat fireflies trotting around their pigpen. The pigs whole body including it's internal organs and heart glow green. The Taiwan scientists have said that the pigs were created for stem cell research, but why do you need glowing pigs for that?

It can be noted that south korean scientists have also created a fluorescent glowing red dog called "Ruppy," which is short for Ruby Puppy.

Apes (with human genes)

Japanese scientists have implanted human genes into marmosets and are currently using the monkeys to work on a cure for huntington's disease and strokes in humans. Again is it good to be putting human genetics into animals? I'm not sure, as said earlier there has to be a line somewhere, but where?

It should also be noted that for a very long time scientists have been replacing the genes in mice (known as knockout mice) to perform these types of tests for cancer, parkinsons and other such diseases.


Glofish have been around for awhile. Scientists suceeded in altering the genetics of many types of fish and now these fish can be purchased as pets. Check the short video below to see this type of fish in action.


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